Friday, February 20, 2009

Random Entries to Covey

February 7th, 2009

Yesterday I had a procession of thoughts worth recording:
Disney brings out a very obnoxious part of me- the super feminine. I melt at the sight of Disney princesses and coo at dolls with eyelashes to their brows and polyester pink dresses. I want to make porcelain dolls in corsets with Renaissance-style faces and long, flowing locks. I have tried to stamp out the pathetic femininity in me and I have, for the most part, been successful, but it is difficult here.
Most awful of my changes in character is my new found tendency to complain. Oh, my feet, oh my back, oh my I am so cold, oh my lips are dry, oh my chin is dimpled, etc. How dare I complain. How dare I. When the Earth trembles with fear and malnourishment and I skip about the Magic Kingdom, I somehow find the insolence to complain. As if my undeserved indulgences were not undignified enough. I must be mad.
I don't think there are any people here who are not white or chinese.
Keep your head in the right direction, remember why you want to live minimally, the strength and self-awareness achieved in minimalism, the need to do great things. Love your body, take care of your body, know the selfishness in drugs and appreciate your natural state of consciousness, not the sensations of various poisons.

Abstain and grow in your love.

February 19th, 2009
I am despicably and obnoxiously "good" these days. The sparkle in my parents' eye, the role model without friends, the boring, cubicle-creature-to-be who is academically successful only because they have nothing better to do because they have no original thought. Bred to obey, they are the ultimate citizen.
Being "good" is much more difficult that I anticipated. It is not about the poison anymore, it is the sheer lack of imagination I have to think of no righteous rebellion. The best I can think of (besides a snotty drug addicted party animal) is critical, but who am I to be critical? If the hungry world were given opportunities like mine, it would be minimalistic, immeasurably grateful, and happy. I cannot afford to lay this wisdom aside and be unhappy.

Live minimally and virtuously. Give everything spare to the oppressed. Be grateful and, most of all, be happy.
Enough of me and my petty little life. What about you?

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