Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pathetic Attempt at Poetry

It's been a while.
Lately it's just been the excuse for some illegal excursion or another.
But today I actually went.
The soccer field was a milky yellow plain
Different form the last time I was there,
when it was bright green.

So today I was thinking
of the people in my life.
And all the different people that I am, condensed into one mind.
"I live a hundred lifetimes in a day"
I noticed that you are the only person that knows every angle of me.
And I know at least several of you.

To quote my favorite movie
"There's so much beauty that my heart swells up and I can't take it,
then, when I stop trying to hold onto it, it flows though me."
That is how I feel.
Today I was swinging there
looking idiotic with my eyes shut tight
and a big silly grin on my face.
But I was so happy.
So grateful to be alive
that the love was almost physical inside me.

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