Sunday, August 17, 2008

My rope no longer exists

I know I shouldn’t be writing this. I can’t believe I’ve let you get to me but, since you have, I thought this worthy of more than a comment.

Thing number one: rearranging the words in a sentence to make it sound like decent writing is an ineffective method. Maybe you should start saying what you mean instead of trying to sound intelligent because it doesn’t work.

Thing number two: Is there anyone you can think of who is more amazing and deep than yourself. You are irrefutably arrogant. You spend your time complaining about your miserable teenage life and about how there are no people as smart as you. Poor thing. Everyone around you is a daft fool, right? You’re the genius. You’re the poet who people hate because they’re intimidated by your brilliance. They criticize you unjustly when they don’t even know you? Only one, maybe two people know who you really are? But you criticize every single one of those people when you have know idea who they are. And I hate you because I secretly know you’re too good for me, right? No. I hate you because you are blind, weak, and self-righteous.

Thing number three: You’re nothing special. You’re just more effected by the teen syndrome than most. (My life is terrible, the world doesn’t understand me, all my peers are idiots, I have a creative, unique mind that’s much better than all the others.) You are the essence of self-absorbed, pathetic American youth. You’re not above any of the high school bullshit, you’re just filling a niche. Every school had an emotionally damaged asshole like you.

Thing number four: Michael is so much better than you and he deserves Bess. You just can’t stand that, for once, the person you preyed upon saw you for what you are. Someone should warn your new tease.

So, I guess what I’m saying surmounts to this: fuck you. : )


Here Lies the Mystery said...


Elise said...

i hadn't read this since i wrote it and, now that i'm away from my anger, i realize that perhaps this was more a self-criticism than anything else. I'm not sorry I wrote it, by I'm sorry you has to see it. You didn't deserve to see it.