Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sick of it All

Ugggghhh. We’re fighting.

If I were to try and tell you what was in my mind at this present moment, it would come out as a jumbled swirl of aggrivation.

Maybe you don’t see it, but you seem to like her very much, the kind of like where you think about them and give them things.

I thought for a moment’s time that you wanted me back and were trying to ask me without asking me, because you have done that before. I was trying to tell you that I would be afraid of doing that, because of where you seem to be with her. I suppose I have misread everything.

Last night, my words didn’t come out the right way. I was blinded with anger.

You were once in love with her and you once made a huge mistake driven by that love. To me, it looks as though you are trying, in the pit of your mind, to let go of her, but that doesn’t mean she is gone from you, you only want her to be. But that is just what I think.

I’m not sure I want to talk to you anymore. The whole thing is such an irrelevant part of my life. You aren’t a part of it anymore and talking to you only keeps those wounds from healing. I want to heal right now and you aren’t letting me. This isn’t a fault of yours, nor is it anything you can change. I want to erase and move on. I’m going to move on now.


Ian said...
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Ian said...

you are soooo sarcastic!!!

truthblinds said...

yaaaaaayyyy no braces!!

Here Lies the Mystery said...

I really really really love your new no braces pictures! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!